DCC Supplies/Equipment Request
Please use this form to submit a request for supplies or equipment for the DCC Makerspace or DCC Sound Studio.

Please keep in mind that submitting an item request does not guarantee that DCC can purchase/procure the item. All requests will be thoughtfully considered, but must also align with the program's budget and facilities goals.

To help our staff organize requests, please submit a separate form for each different item you are requesting.

Thank you for helping us continually grow our makerspaces!
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For which makerspace are you requesting supplies/equipment? *
What item are you requesting? *
In terms of quantity, how many units do you think DCC needs?
How/for what purpose(s) will this item will be used? *
To ensure that DCC considers/purchases what you have in mind, please provide a URL link to the item (or to a similar example): *
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