The Restoration Monologues
UMR is the first student-based relief agency and aid organization dedicated to helping alleviate suffering throughout the world. Our motto "Better Together" bears testament to our belief that we must unite our resources and expertise to raise awareness about the humanitarian issues our generation must face and resolve.  We do events on campus to help raise awareness for global and local causes. One of the major problems is that the news doesn’t shed light on a lot of the issues going on both locally and globally. A lot of times problems go unrecognized, unheard of. Such as the crisis in Central Africa or the overwhelming amount of poverty in Gambia. This semester we decided that raising money for these causes was simply not enough anymore, we have to talk about them, we have to be aware. From this came the idea of having The Restoration Monologues, an open mic event on Friday, November 13th to give people the opportunity to share stories about any issue, any cause that we need to hear about.
At UMR we believe that everyone has something they can offer, a service to society. Charity is not limited to just money, charity comes in all different forms: by giving someone a kind word or by giving your time to help someone else. The purpose of the event is to give a voice to those without a mic, by this we mean The Restoration Monologues is an opportunity to tell an untold story. A story about any cause or issue you are passionate about, through any medium you choose, whether that is a song, poem, or something else, it is your choice. Together we can give the world a voice.
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What cause/social issue/story will you discuss? (give a brief summary) *
How will your story impact fellow students at umd? *
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